
A Simple Life Hack from the Happiness Advocate

Written by kamille | May 30, 2024 1:21:15 PM

It's hard to find fulfillment even when you're in a successful pursuit of wealth - that’s something any happiness advocate can tell you immediately. You have to take a step out of your normal point of view and venture in parts of your life that you haven't thought of. All you need to understand is one simple life hack, but you need to understand the details so you can make the right pursuit of happiness.


It’s not just about money, says the happiness advocate

The secret to Happiness has nothing to do with money. You have to remember that to be happy is to be in a state of mind, not to have a massive bank account. It’s possible to be joyful right now regardless of your financial situation.


The most important point to choosing happiness over money is free will. It falls on you to follow your bliss. You also take apart all the excuses for why your life might not be at the point you want it to be.


That last part is important if you think about your daily schedule. As humans, we work in rituals and patterns that are deliberate. In our current world, most of the time this means we do tasks to earn money so we can make our lifestyle better than the day before it.


But that's not what really happens according to what some happiness advocates say. You concentrate on making money but cast aside your family, duties, and personal business. All those hours a week you spend working leaving very little time to have fun or get things done for you.


Can you advocate for happiness under the stress of life?

When you reach financial freedom, the burden of those weeks of work put on you by society is lifted. You gain those hours back and can do what you've been meaning to do. The old rituals and patterns no longer apply, and you can try something different. Go out to a show you've never been to, or go take up a hobby you've been meaning to for a while.


You can turn it into something special in your life, a ritual of sorts that you do after work. Maybe you can do this on the weekend as a way to relieve stress. What an experienced happiness advocate will tell you is this: you are making a new version of your life, and for some people that can be a scary thing.


You still have to put in the work to make all those things happen. A happiness advocate will flat-out tell you that financial freedom doesn’t mean personal freedom - you are still the same person, with all the same personal issues to deal with. And they can come and take it all down with one of life's curveballs and emergencies.


So what do you do to take control of your freedom? More importantly, is it even possible to find happiness at all?


Choice can advocate for happiness

Now it’s time to see how this all works in the real world. Let's say you had a ticket for a show you've been meaning to go to for months, but you can't go or it's been cancelled. You can stand there disappointed, or can be glad that you're at home where you have the time to get things done in the hours you had set aside for the show.


Now take a look at it from another perspective. You're working on something new and it’s just not coming out right. You can just let the frustration stew into anger until you give up, but you can choose to think that you're just done for the moment, and be happy that you're trying to begin with. Remember that you always have another shot at it later.


The biggest thing to gather from this is that you are alive, and there is still another minute left in life to focus on what's important. If you want to focus on being happy. you have the power to do it


Practice, practice practice, says your happiness advocate

Now it's time to see how this all works in the real world. Let's say you had a ticket for a show you've been meaning to go to for months, but you can't go or it’s been cancelled. You can stand there disappointed, or can be glad that you're at home where you have the time to get things done in the hours you had set aside for the show.


Now take a look at it from another perspective. You're working on something new and it's just not coming out right. You can just let the frustration stew into anger until you give up, but you can choose to think that you're just done for the moment, and be happy that you're trying to begin with. Remember that you always have another shot at it later.


The biggest thing to gather from this is that you are alive, and there is still another minute left in life to focus on what's important. If you want to focus on being happy, you have the power to do it.


Freedom can be your happiness advocate

You have to understand that the endgame is to live a free life is to live one that’s fulfilling and happy. We are still prone to falling into the illusion that reaching financial freedom will help us get there, but there is something to be said about simply choosing happiness over money. So, instead of increasing your portfolio, boosting your business, dreaming of the next start-up venture, you can just start being happy now.


This isn't taking anything against finding financial independence. It's important to have a foundation that keeps you safe from day-to-day financial Worries. It's even better if you start this young so that you can reach that goal sooner.


In the end, what any happiness advocate will tell you s that you need to find a balance of both money and happiness or it doesn't make sense to go for either. The real goal is always happiness, but you need the tools to get there. But you also can't let those same tools take over your life and push out your joy.